Any updates or changes to the show information will be posted at which also includes Accomodations & Show location directions.
Class or Division Sponsorship:
Have a favorite Division or Class? Want to show everyone that it IS your favorite? Sponsor it at our show. Sponsorship is $10 each class or $15 for each divison. Sponsors recieve a certificate
of sponsorship and their name posted on each class or division for which they sponsor. Please remember sponsorship
money sent helps ABS to keep doing shows twice a year and also helps ABS with their BETTA Group sponsorship! Thank you!
Show Fish: Mail-in entries need to arrive no later than 5:00 PM Friday, . ABS
will need to receive your entry form, fees and return postage (if necessary) with your fish. Return postage and
entry fees cannot and will not be deducted from auction proceeds. Please provide a return mailing label, empty bags and heat
packs (if desired) with your fish.
Pre-Registration is REQUIRED! Please pre-register
your fish by emailing your Excel entry form to the show chair ( ) by Wednesday,
Walk Ins: All
walk-in fish entries are to arrive by 5
PM Friday, Please notify the show chair that you will be coming. Walk-in fish
must be benched by entrant and re-bagged by the entrant after the show & checked and signed off by ShowChair before leaving
show location. Walk-in entrants MUST pre-register as noted above.
Entry Fees:
$2.00 for Single
for Pairs
Make checks payable to:
The AstralBetta Society
PayPal IS
Please send PayPal payments to:
Auction Fish: Auction Only fish sent to the show must arrive by 5 PM Friday, and must be listed on your entry form that is
included with your fish. The fish must be marked "Auction Only" or
"AO" on the bag and entry form. There is a no limit of Auction-only fish per entrant and there
is no limit to how many Show fish you can auction.
Auction Split:
· Show Fish for Auction-
75% Seller and 25% ABS
· Auction Only -
50% Seller and 50% ABS
Show Results: NO results will be given over the phone. They will be posted early Sunday morning for you to enjoy over your morning
coffee! Photos of BOV's & BOS's will be taken by 2 ABS Members for posting on the BetterBettas Board and The AstralBetta
Society Website.